Wednesday, April 30, 2008


just had to post this. aww. cute cat. I swear, no matter what the picture looks like he's doing, he's actually sniffing the flowers. Cute.


So tomorrow's Labor Day, and guess what? I'm included! Yay! Summer Jobbers are included in the celebration, so you can guess how happy i'm feeling. Yessz! Haha, this not only marks the fact that i don't have work tomorrow, but aslo the fact that i actually lasted this long.

Excuse me for being a tad OA, but mehn. It's kind of a fuzzy feeling when you realize that you've actually worked your ass off for something like this. Sigh. (dances)

Guess i'll start on working on my room. hmm. Yaawn... Chocolate fix, chocolate fix.. argh.

Better sleep, it's 30 minutes after 12.

Naaah. I'd go and check another forum thread.

Ja, ne. Oyasumi.

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