Sunday, April 29, 2012

30DC: Day Five

Mood: fine Now Playing: Photograph, Donora
5 things that irritate you about the opposite sex/same sex 

Opposite Sex:
1. When you complain about being left by bastards, when in reality, you just fall for the same kind of bastards all over again. I mean, come on. There are lots of great guys out there that won't break your heart.
2. When you don't think before you speak. Or when you don't google before you post.
3. Posting a status that says how lamentably ugly you are, when the truth is there's nothing wrong with you and you just need the attention. Grow the fuck up.
4. Whores by design AND decision.
5. When you think you can just get people whatever the fuck you want by acting sexy, please stop it. There is nothing more ugly nor as disappointing, as seeing someone make a complete slut out of herself.

Same Sex:
1. You fuck around and act like a dick, then suddenly become as sweet as honey when people you want to impress come in.
2. When you have little to no concern over everything else that does not concern yourself. This fucks up the social balance of the world, yknow.
3. Acting like a prick that got all that swagger.
4. When you fuck around women and treat them as rags, when they really honestly loved you. This is where the social stigma comes from, fucker.
5. All muscle, no brain. But then again, the world needs some pack mules.

Bonus: Things that irritate me in general about people
1. How the fuck can you keep fucking around people and don't expect karma? Imagine a hundred people wishing for your death each day? That's gotta mean something, and i'm not talking about mojo and stuff; a hundred people can actually kick your butt pretty easily.
2. People without basic courtesy. Did your mom never teach you any manners, mofo?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hour and a Half

Mood: melancholic Now Playing: coldplay, fix you.

The place i live in is very quaint, but it's so far flung that most the places i need to be are so... distant. It's unsettling, y'see, because not only is it a harrowing experience to flag down an FX at 7 in the morning (oh wait, there aren't any at that hour) but it's also an experience to sit down quietly for about an hour and a half.

An hour and a half. I used to think that this time frame was as long and dragging as balls, but as time went by, it carried on a different meaning. It's the time it takes me to wake up every morning - to PROPERLY wake up every morning. It's the time it takes for a class in my building to end every Tuesdays and Thursdays. It's the time it takes to sufficiently feel the muscles in your body tense after a good session of Rockband. But most of all, it's the time it takes for me to get home from the university. Hey, if you do the math, i have sat around public vehicles for around 27 000 minutes in my four years as an undergrad. And that's excluding the summer classes, the impromptu sessions and other things that are worth mentioning, in due time.

But enough ranting. It's this gap - that hour and a half mark - between my destinations that signals my brain to turn off all signals and inhibitions and just... let go.

You know how these things go.


There is just so much to say that i don't know how to begin. To tell the truth, i have been sitting here for about the entirety of a day, even when my day starts when everybody else's ends, and i have been waltzing back and forth between writing and erasing.

You know, just for the record, let me just say how important all of you guys are. Even as a writer, i must admit that there is a point where even words don't matter anymore, just because there are almost no words for this. I mean, is there a word for the confidence a trapeze artist feels when he knows that the other artist won't let go of him a hundred feet in the air? Or is there a word for the leap in a dog's step when it sees it's master after a long time? I don't think there is.

I'll tell you a secret. I get pretty conscious when people start to walk next to me. Because in all honesty, i'm probably secretly nervous when people around me are so close they could hear me breathe. I'm intimacy-tolerant - i have next to zero levels of social intimacy in me that it wonders me how easy some of us can link hands, elbows, or maybe shoulders or legs or maybe even hair with another. It puzzles me to think how hugs work, or how many Mississippis i should count before it ends, and along with it, the train track that is the rapid beating of my heart - not the smooth metro train, but rather the provincial one, the steady chuck chuck chuck of iron on iron. How does it end?

But you know, i'd like to believe that my breathing rises or slows down to match theirs, even when at times, the destination and the journeys it take to get there, well, goddamn take my breath away. And sometimes, it's not even in a good way, yeah. I know, it's so fucking unclear and all. But... yeah.

I know we both know that our destinations are not one and the same, and our journeys are both larger than life and ourselves and at times, harder than it looks, yeah. I know that.

Still, at this crossroad, where we're all practically in different trains headed to God knows where, i just.. hngh. Though you guys might not know this enough, i just want to assure you guys that - no wait. It's not an assurance. It's not a belief. It's just... there - that you people will never leave my mind. You people are the reason for a lot of things. And that one and a half hour away that separated us from that patch of grass, those classrooms, that little old liempuhan, that apartment or wherever place may just grow longer over time. But y'know, i find myself willing to master this train that is my being, and i find myself willing to speed it up to greet you a good morning whenever you may need me.

And besides, i have three very important words: just stations away.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

30DC: Day Four

Mood: fine Now Playing: Amy, I Jack's Mannequin

What you wear to bed

What you must know about me is that i am a completely sleepy person. If i didn't know myself any better, i might've said that i'm a narcoleptic. Sadly, that isn't the case. So you'd understand if i tell you that i fall asleep in the most awkward of places, like maybe the last seat at the bus, at some park somewhere or even at the, well, toilet seat.

I guess what i wear doesn't matter. But usually my whole wardrobe consists of shorts and some ratty old shirts. So that's basically what i wear. Haha. My favorite is this shorts i wore as the football uniform and this shirt so baggy it's ridiculous.