Monday, March 30, 2009


Mood: okay.
Now Playing: Friday im in love, The Cure.

I have finally acquired an ipod. It's colored orange, has an 8 gig capacity(now down to only one gig and i haven't finished transferring all my playlists yet but anyway), and is named Elizabeth the iPod.

Normally, i should have been blown out of my fucking mind, but i just can't get myself to get all excited unless i see April 1st pass over me. I just hate feeling guilty and all that shit.

For those who know and are feeling nervous, don't worry mehn. You're freaking not alone; i'm practically eating my nails here. For those who know and are not feeling any nervousness at all, here's some cyber applause for you. *applause* For those who do not know at all, count yerself lucky.


Internet is incredibly slow today. Er. Slower than usual, anyway. Even if i pause all of the fucking torrents that have remained in the backlogged section of my mind and computer, it is still so incredibly slooow. I blame no one but this fucking summer heat.


I think i've read in a past reader's digest that when women talk, they do it mainly to clear their heads. However, when men talk, they do mainly to exchange information.

Why am i mentioning this?


April Fool's. The day i will see the shape of my sins.

I'm guessing it will be so fucking large.


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