Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Mood: soundtrack for our movie, MAE.
Currently listening to: angry.

I must first register my amazement at how different and how weird it is for people to constantly climb the social ladder. Sigh.

My english professor keeps on telling us to practice random acts of kindness. According to him, it yields immense feelings of peace and stability. Can't say i don't want that.

Then again, I can't say i'll be a saint overnight. But what the hell. There's no harm in trying.

Hey wait. There IS a harm in trying.


By the way, the night creeps on real fast nowadays, eh? I mean, it's only a little after 5:30 here in my watch and it's already dark outside.

Speaking of the weather, today's was a little freaky; it was psychotically sunshiny this morning, but it ended with a slight drizzle this afternoon. Personally, i love dark and gloomy weather. I'm not a grouch, fuck you. I just think that dark and gloomy weather makes people shut up and think.


I've also recently noticed that i've been using cuss words a lot lately. I'm sorry if ever offended you. It's just that it's better for people like me to cuss and swear than to do extreme acts of violence. Sorry if i ruined your day. No, really. I'm not being sarcastic.

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