Friday, May 15, 2009


Mood: im actually feeling good! good god, the world is gonna end.
Now Playing: mirror's edge remixes.

So today, we had a class debate at Ethics. Ethics is kinda cool, by the way. Except it's in the extremes. If the lecture is boring, it's SUPER DUPER boring. If the lecture is exciting, it's SUPER DUPER exciting.

Anyway, we had this debate, and i think it's fun. Our team was assigned the anti-contraceptive part, which practically condemns the use of contraceptives. We raised a few good points (though im not so sure, im terribly biased) The opposing team, the pro-contraceptives' points, were equally, if not more so, stated. If i were an observer, i would have been at a loss as to what to think; i say this in all honesty.


On another note, the substitute ethics professor mentioned soulification. It's when the zygote is imbued with a soul and is instantaneous with fertilization.

It's such a nice word, don't you think? SOULIFICATION.


So im hunting this game, mirror's edge a few months back. Trailer below.

So if you have an installer, lend me and i will be your slave forever. No shit. It's too much of a hassle to dl a game this big, and god knows i have a loong list of dvd's i want to buy, so.. yey.


And, to trishaang, thank you.

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