Monday, May 25, 2009

A Lot of Things and Nothings

Mood: baad
Now Playing: you owe me an IOU, hot hot heat

I was having this cool dream - i was drowning in sea of creamy sweet chocolate and suddenly this stunning asian girl with beautiful hair came sweeping down on me and gave me mouth to mouth resuscitation(all to save me, of course, lol) - when i suddenly came tumbling down on my bed with an unearthly thud. Fuck.

And that pretty much sums up how i woke up this morning. With a damn thud. Today is clearance day, and for the love of everything that is holy, i could not fathom why the college (or my trig professor, for that matter) told me to get my clearance in the afternoon, when it is friggin hot.

To illustrate, the moment my foot stepped out of my house's shade, i immediately retreated back into the comfort of the house - and the fan. Damn it, i was sorely tempted to crack open an egg and see if it will fry itself.

It didn't, by the way.


so after numerous trips to the damn doctor, i have now been prescribed as someone who, due to congenital(since birth) cataracts, have glaucoma on both eyes. That, ladies and gentlemen, seriously sucks. I use my damn eyes almost every day. Even my hobbies - reading, playing games, taking a bath after doing the aforementioned activities - put a godawful strain on my eyes.

But thanks to this, i can now adopt the contemporary writer's attitude! It's this hilariously popular style of writing which is so amazing and fantastic, it actually reeks in fans by the gajillions! Im not gonna tell you - oh damn all right doggone it. It's this whole "damn-it-im-so-sad-and-angsty-i-could-just-die-but-i-will-write-about-this-sadness-which-inadvertently-is-about-love-syndrome" True, there are many writers who can pull it off splendidly, but damn it if i read another piece about heartbreak and love unrequited.


Have you ever heard the scandal about kho and halili? Oh who am i fooling, of course you have. Its the only goddamn thing in the news today! It's been on forever, and forgive me if i offend a lot of stupid, sheep-like and zombie-dead brains by saying GET OVER IT. Damn it, the media is milking too much out of a simple story. They could have just gone and went about doing a feature that is actually relevant to this country - like the swine flu virus, or the mystifying disappearance of funds, or hell, even pacman's special economic zone. But nooo. KhoxHalili is still all the rage on a lot of the fucking media. ARGGG

Forgive me if i say this, but i will try and phrase this in a nice enough manner. Find another topic and stop clawing at each other's throats. And that goes for all of the major media channels. You're job is in charge of supplying the public the truth, not some rubbish about some doctor and an actress most of just do not give a fig about. And, also, fuck off. Leave the damned individuals alone and let's all go along with our meaningless lives, shall we?

And, if by some miraculous power of heaven someone in authority actually reads this piece, let it be known that these are all my opinion, lest we risk another heart-stopping, brain-dead inducing scandal about a blogger and his blog piece.


And, on a more happier note, this is the reason i have been sleeping late. Damn you, megaten. Damn yoooou!

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