Saturday, June 14, 2008

Warding Off Sleep

I'm condcuting an experiment!
I fear i won't be able to sleep tomorrow(since Monday's the start of class), so i'm pulling an all-nighter tonight!

Okay, that just sounded stupid. But considering how hard it's been to sleep lately, i'll give this one a shot. Lemme see. What should i do in the meantime?

1. Read a book.
Yeah, sure. I love books. But the question is, what book? I've reread practically everything here. Hindi nga nakaiwas ung mga Tom Clancy ni erpats eh. Sigh.

2. Text people.
Haha, funny. I don't even know where my cp is. Mental note; look for it later.

3. Read a manga.
This should do it. Haha, Soul Eater is shaping up pretty nicely.

4. Practice Photoshopping.
Yeah, right. I just blew the last of Inspiration writing The Red Ganymede Exodus.

5. Call Up Other People
Yeah, in the middle of the night.

6. Cook.
That's not a bad idea. I've been dying to try out how to make banana split using melted ice cream with fruit juices. Then again, the ingredients are outta whack.

7. Blog.
Er. Haha.


The only logical ones here are.. erm... nos 1, 3 and 7. The rest are too far-fetched.

Sigh. Everyone's gone off to sleep already. haha. xP

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