Sunday, June 22, 2008

Living For Another 4 Years

This morning, a little bit after 5 am, i woke up to the sound of rain and wind (two of my favorite natural things) against my window. A few texts here and there, some breakfast rituals and other mundane stuff, and i plopped back at my soft bed. Cozy.

I woke up a little past ten, i think. i checked the time and boom! haha, patay na pala si cellphone.

Great. I remember thinking. Not that much of a big deal. I could always use the pc for my music needs, anyway.

It was just then that i realized that anything electricity-related was immediately out of the question. I was in blackout city.

I remember thinking if we were already dead. You know, what if the Earth was suddenly hit by an asteroid or a bio weapon of some sort, and we all dropped dead. What if the afterlife resembled everything, just in rain and in semi black and white form? OMFG.

I quickly dismissed the idea, scolding myself.


I spent the day doing my oldest pastime - reading. It was a good thing really, that sis had this copy of Narnia's second book, and even a copy of Roald Dahl's The Twits.
It helped pass away one and a half hours.

After reading, i decided to work on my Algeb homework-slash-review-slash-ticket out of boredom. I think it went smoothly, although that thought reeks of being biased.

I swear that my high school education wasn't enough. I'm feeling less intelligent and more stupid these days, and i'm sure i'm not the only one. Maybe this is normal. I dunno. Maybe it's just a phase or some kind of disease i'm not aware of.


On the other hand, how does one really prepare for college? Does one immerse himself in a lot of stuff to get a larger knowledge of things, many of which could be an icebreaker of some sorts? Or does one bury himself in hardcore studying? Does he searches out for blockmates or for connections? And in the first day, what is his initial reaction? College is like starting a blank slate in life. What will one choose to write with- an old face or a new one? Will one choose to shun away from his old habits and start a new life? Or will one cling to the old traditions?

I dunno. I think the real question is out there somewhere, and the answer varies for all of us. It's not a simple matter of doing the right thing or not - after all, ethics is only man made, it is bound to have imperfections somewhere.


As for now, i'll sing a lot songs and float on.

which reminds me, i still haven't done the research on the parasympathetic nervous system. (gasps)

and oh! haha, walang pasok bukas. time to relax.

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