Sunday, July 13, 2008

I'm Off

"so i'm listening to Rainer Maria, Catastrophe. "

I'm feeling melancholic again. Great. I believe in the idea that if you start your week right, you'll also end it right. Since i desperately want to end things with this week right, you can just imagine how fantastic i feel right now.

i refuse to believe that this situation doesn't have a bright side. God must have a reason for this.

the question is exactly that. i wonder what His reason is?


I don't know. I'm not sure He wants me to find out. I'm not sure if I want to find it out either.


Maybe I'm going crazy.

That's always a convenient excuse. it's perfectly applicable for various situations. my only problem is that it's getting real old.


I guess i'm off. i still have to write my infopsych application. y'see, ate nissy, the literary head, allowed me to take home the application questions because i came late. she's real nice, y'know. i'd hate to disappoint her.

oh great. see question no 2.

2) write an essay with EMO as your topic.

i'm off.


- said...

dardar! =))

still can't see any signs of commentboxes dammit.

what's melancholic by the way? as stupid as that may sound, i have a really good reason for not knowing what it means.

naah. scratch that. i don't have any reason. just a pocket full of lint and dirt.

- said...

Did you just say EMO as a topic? :D