Monday, July 7, 2008

This Is How You Get a Headache

Today was tiring. Very tiring. Not a lot of stuff happened either; just the usual everyday (note the redundancy in terms of usage) things. There IS one thing worth mentioning however. But since it goes against a sort of unspoken rule of blogging, i'd better not post it here.

Just one thing.

The sky could fall anytime, carrying with it everything you've placed upon it. When that time comes, i hope i'm still stupid enough to keep faith in something unreal. I'll catch you, yeah. But someone else will do the saving. I dunno why. Maybe it's just how life flows. Sometimes people... naah. forget it. scratch that.


Sigh. Thanks. I'm now feeling melancholic. Damntastic.

Hey, you gotta listen to Half Light by Athlete by the way. It's so cooool!

Gotta go. I've got a culture to define.

1 comment:

- said...

whaat? NOSEBLEED. =))

creepy pasta beybe. still can't find your freakin' commentbox.