Wednesday, May 26, 2010

There's This Cat

Mood: good
Now Playing: electrico, hail to the friends.

So there's this cat, a huge female one with a green eye on the left, and a blue eye on the other around our neighborhood. Heterochromia, i believe this shit is called. She's supposed to be a stray, but she always meows for food at our doorstep, so i guess we're adopting her now.

Anyway, what's amazing about her is this: her two kittens died at birth, y'see. She disappeared for a week. The next thing we know, she has picked up 4 strays and adopted them as her own. She feeds them, licks them all over, and when it's time to eat, she lets them eat first before gobbling up the remains her adopted litter leaves.

Isn't that fkcing amazing?

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